My story

Although I was devoted to my inner healing work and was a devoted spiritual seeker for most of my life, I had no intention of becoming a healer.

During deep self-study in a 12-step program, a traumatic childhood memory resurfaced, bringing up overwhelming grief and rage. I experienced a devastating loss of energy. I was barely able to function—often confined to bed, isolated from social life, and unable to pursue creative goals. Doctors found nothing physically wrong, but I felt lost and desperate for answers.

Knowing to pray from my 12-step experience, I sought guidance, asking for help to heal my unseen struggles. Shortly after, an email from an old acting classmate revealed her as an energy healer. Everything within me lit up and I promptly started an exploration of energy healing. This journey led me to Lionheart Institute, where I unexpectedly enrolled to focus on my inner healing.

Through Body/Mind therapy and Transpersonal energy healing, I released long-buried emotions that resulted from growing up in a dysfunctional home marked by mental illness and alcoholism. This process helped me confront and clear years of suppressed trauma. Although initially I was uninterested in becoming a healer, during deep mediation, I received a profound message: I had healed tremendously and am now meant to go out into the world share that healing with others.

Having experienced a painful past, each day is a delightful opportunity to experience and create as much joy and love as possible— for myself and others. I am grateful for the ever expansion of love, joy and abundance in my life.

It is a great joy and purpose of mine to support others to find their way out of the metaphorical woods and to discover their divine light within.

If you are reading this and you are in the “woods”, I know that a new experience is possible for you too.

Get Started

Contact me to schedule your initial 1 hour complimentary session!